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Eleanor Anne Sweet

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Entries in job opportunities (3)


Job Market Still Tight: "So What Do I Do Now?"

Job Search Market Update: The job market still continues to be tight as evidence by all the statistics such as unemployment, GDP, consumer confidence, etc. The good news is that it has to get better. I predict that we will continue to see a slow improvement going into the the fall. The labor market will continue to be conservative going into the first part of 2011.(Don't forget we have the holiday season to get through) 

The momentum should start to pick up speed the early part of 2nd Quarter.(After all the experts analyse the holiday sell through) 

The reason for all of this is the consumer is still feeling gun shy from all the false starts and ups and downs of all the artificial mechanisms such as the stimulus checks for clunckers, first time home buyers, refrigerators etc. While the stimulus package was supposed to help, this writer believes that it has hurt the consumers confidence in terms of seeing a true positive consistent economic recovery. This in fact has not happened. In turn organizations are vary morally and financially to make the commitment to hire people if they too can not see a true positive consistent economic recovery. This country needs the consumer confidence to drive this recovery.

Job Search Tips: Be creative. Continue to "mine" the job marketplace every type of way you can.Find out where the job growth is currently.

Assess if some of these job opportunities are somewhat aligned with your past experience. Can you leverage that background into some of these current growth areas?

If not does it make sense for you to go back to school and get some type of education to help you transition your professional background into one of these growth areas or an area that will broaden your current background in a way that makes professional sense.

Job Search Action Item: Indeed. com has a very nice resource that is worth looking into:


Job Trends

Example: Twitter Job Trends

"Twitter" is the #1 job trend - the fastest growing term over the last year - beating "Cloud Computing" into second place and "iPhone" into third place. The top 10 trends are to the right or you can see the trend for any words or phrases by entering them in the search box above.

Scale: Absolute - Relative
Twitter Job Trends graph searches millions of jobs from thousands of job sites.
This job trends graph shows the percentage of jobs we find that contain your search terms.

Find Twitter jobs

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 With this tool you also have the ability to insert other job titles at the top of the page.




Job Search Mental Health Tip: Take Sunday off and do an old fashion hot dog barbecue with your family. I have listed a good simple recipe that you can make with your family for mental health.


Click Here To Download Your Job Search Recipe


I am dedicated to your success with your job search!

Good luck with your job search,



Eleanor Anne Sweet

Ph: 847-304-4500


The Experts in Job Search Solutions.


Don't forget to join our mailing list to get the information on our free audio series with bonus gifts or register directly for this Monday's event on the link below:

Click Here To Register for Monday, August 2, "How to Revitalize Yourself and Your Job Search"


Job Opportunities

Job Search Market Update: Companies that will be assisting BP and the oil cleanup will offer job opportunities that would not have been available if the disaster had not happened.  If the additional deep drilling is allowed, the growth for people with these industry support related skills may be needed to offer backup and additional labor needed for the industry.

Preliminary census data shows that "Many baby boomers and young adults are still in a holding pattern," said Mark Mather Associate Vice President, Population Reference Bureau (non-profit organization). "They are staying close to big cities where most jobs are located, waiting for the economy and housing market to bounce back before they make their next move."

Top 10 cities with the largest  population growth between July 1, 2008 - July 1, 2009 are:

1) Frisco City, CA

2) Cary, NC

3) McKinney, TX

4) New Orleans, LA

5) Alexandria, VA

6) Clarksville, TN

7) Arlington, VA

8) Round Rock, TX

9) Murfreesboro, TN

10) Lewisville, TX

Source: Washington Examiner: Haley Peterson

Job Search Tips: Analyze the 10 cities listed above and see if there are any potential job openings for you. Finding a job in these cities should be easier than a city that is not as healthy economically.

Look into job openings for biologists, chemists, project managers, engineers, technicians, laborers, environmental specialists and general clean up workers. Other companies may take a proactive approach and have job openings in these areas in addition to BP. Another company to research in this line of work would be Granite Environmental. They have manufacturing facilities across the US.

Job Search Action Item: In the greater Chicago area this past week-end 500,000 people lost power. I was one of those people. We were without power Friday - Sunday. As I result our normal weekly Monday Audio Tele Class has been rescheduled to this Thursday, June 24, 9am-10am CST. "Secrets to the Job Search for the 45+ Crowd". Click Here to Register/RSVP

Job Search Mental Health Tip: Trying smiling more. Research studies show that people feel happier when they smile. Use this technique to cheer yourself up, pretend you are happy and see how it has the potential to elevate your spirits. I even try to remember to smile while I am driving. When you start looking around it is amazing how many people are driving and walking around with a sour expression on their face.

Also when you smile it will make you appear younger. When you frown you are using more muscles which creates more wrinkles.


Have a great day. Smile and make someone happy!


Persistence is one of the main keys to a successful search.


Eleanor Anne Sweet

The Experts in Job Search Solutions. tm



Looking for More Job Openings?

Job Search Market Update: I would like to say that things have changed this week to the point that there is suddenly an incredible amount of true permanent job openings, but alas I can not say that. Finding a job is still a challenge and best conquered by those that are tough at heart, persistent and tenacious.

Consumers account for 70% of the American economic activity. If they don't have the money, they will not purchase. In the past the consumer has carried us through the previous recessions.They still are not rising up to help this recession the way everyone would like them to. Our houses are no longer the ATM machines we could count on to artificially increase our non existent purchasing power.

Three things saving the economy from being worse are 1)75% of the infamous stimulus package has been spent (if you personally beneifited PLEASE comment. I have yet to meet anyone that has) 2) we are lucky to have near-zero interest rates and 3) anyone that was able to repalce their old car or appliance has been able to help the economy.

Job Search Tips: While the private sector's hiring has been disappointing due to lack of confidence, there is one bright are of hiring in the private sector, there are job opportunities in IT.

Job Search Action Plan: Register for our free audio Tele Class, this Monday, June 7, 9am-10am CST, Join our mailing list and select RSVP Tele Class June 7. The topic will be "Secrets to Keeping A Positive Headset During Your Job Search."   Go to your local library and become familiar with your Manufacturers Directory and Service Directory for your state. It will give you a mini profile on each company in your state by city. Study your area and discover new companies to contact.

Job Search Mental Health Tip: Join us this Monday to get more tips.  Spend time petting your pet for 10 minutes in a quiet spot alone.


Dedicated to you succeeding with your Job Search!

Eleanor Anne Sweet


The Job Search Experts

www.The Job Search

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