Sweet Job Advice: Job Search Help - Accepting Help is Key to Succeeding
One of the keys to succeeding to the next level in life is realizing you can not do it allow. We all need each other. The sooner we allow others "in" to help us achieve our goals, the sooner you will achieve your goals.
This same is true with a successful job search , and never more appropriate than now with this job market.
I am here to tell you there are jobs out there, but they will not be found by the shy or faint of heart. You need to reach out, pursue and persist with vengeance. Keep at the task and maximize your time and efforts by networking and networking and networking. (And asking for help, after you have helped others.
The following is a story some of you may have heard before. Please really listen to the story today. I suspect it will apply to more of you then you care to admit.
I am taking the particular version from The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo (Sept 18 entry in the book)
"There is an old story about a man who was caught in a flood. First he was called and told to evacuate his home. He calmly refused, saying God would save him. The waters rushed the streets, climbing the foundations of the homes. When the streets were filled, a rescue team in a rubber raft called to him, and he again refused, saying God would save him. The power of the water deepened and the flood was crashing through the windows of his home. He was now perched on his roof. A helicopter came and he still refused, saying yet again that God would save him.
The flood did what floods do and he drowned. On the other side, he was angry and bitterly questioned God. "Why didn't you save me? I kept my faith til the end!" And God perplexed, replied, "I tried. I called and sent a raft and a helicopter. But you wouldn't;t come."
Like the thought of love, God starts in everything unseen, but comes to us plainly in the things of the world.
The bottom line, is that job search leads or opportunities may not come at the time or in the "packaging" that you expect.
The key is to know the job search opportunities are out there. Sometimes in places that you would never expect or predict. Something through someone that you least expect.
The message for today is reach out of yourself and your pride. Go find your next job, you will need to reach out of your comfort zone.
Blessings for you today.
Your Executive Job Search Coach.
The Job Search Expert. tm