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Eleanor Anne Sweet

Nationally recognized

Executive Job Search Expert,

Coach, Speaker and Author. 

Here is a special message for you.

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Entries in job advice (12)


Sweet Job Advice: Job Search Help - Accepting Help is Key to Succeeding

One of the keys to succeeding to the next level in life is realizing you can not do it allow. We all need each other. The sooner we allow others "in" to help us achieve our goals, the sooner you will achieve your goals.

This same is true with a successful job search , and never more appropriate than now with this job market.

I am here to tell you there are jobs out there, but they will not be found by the shy or faint of heart. You need to reach out, pursue and persist with vengeance.  Keep at the task and maximize your time and efforts by networking and networking and networking. (And asking for help, after you have helped others.

The following is a story some of you may have heard before. Please really listen to the story today. I suspect it will apply to more of you then you care to admit.

I am taking the particular version from The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo (Sept 18 entry in the book)

"There is an old story about a man who was caught in a flood. First he was called and told to evacuate his home. He calmly refused, saying God would save him. The waters rushed the streets, climbing the foundations of the homes. When the streets were filled, a rescue team in a rubber raft called to him, and he again refused, saying God would save him. The power of the water deepened and the flood was crashing through the windows of his home. He was now perched on his roof. A helicopter came and he still refused, saying yet again that God would save him.

The flood did what floods do and he drowned. On the other side, he was angry and bitterly questioned God. "Why didn't you save me? I kept my faith til the end!" And God perplexed, replied, "I tried. I called and sent a raft and a helicopter. But you wouldn't;t come."

Like the thought of love, God starts in everything unseen, but comes to us plainly in the things of the world.

The bottom line, is that job search leads or opportunities may not come at the time or in the "packaging" that you expect.

The key is to know the job search opportunities are out there. Sometimes in places that you would never expect or predict. Something through someone that you least expect.

The message for today is reach out of yourself and your pride. Go find your next job, you will need to reach out of your comfort zone.

Blessings for you today.


Your Executive Job Search Coach.

The Job Search Expert. tm



Sweet Job Advice Blog: Creating A Positive Headset During Your Job Search

Re: Virtual Training this Monday (RSVP please)


This coming Monday, January 31, 2011, at 9:00-10:00 AM CST, I will be hosting a Tele-Seminar Training session, and I am inviting you as my guest. 


If you would like to create MORE success in your job search and learn some simple tips and strategies for how to strengthen your headset to be more positive and stronger, then register below.

During the 60 minute session we will look at strategies for keeping positive energy and motivation everyday with your job search.We will talk about that in detail on this call. 

Your headset guides the success and effectiveness of your entire job search! You will never succeed with a bad headset. It will undermine and sabotage all your efforts!

The job search process is an on going work in progress, you need to change your strategy to work with the constant changes in the job market..

Let's talk about how to use these various ideas to boost and transform  your job search campaign for 2011.






PS Thank you in advance for helping a friend and sharing  this invitation.

(DEADLINE for seminar registration is this Sunday night 11 PM CST)

Take 60 Seconds and Get Registered!

Date: Monday, January 31, 2011,   9:00 - 10:00 am, CST

RSVPClick Here NOW To Register For Monday's Seminar

COST: A gift from me to you. No-cost for the LIVE call
($29 value)

After you register, you'll find out how to get phone access and join us for the LIVE Tele-Class

Read On if You Can't Make It...

If you can't make the live call this coming Monday, go ahead and get registered anyway, and when you do, you'll get information on how to access the Tele Seminar recording.

That way you can listen to all the valuable content we discuss and learn new ideas to create greater success in your job search campaign and have a better 2011!

After you register, you'll find out how to get phone access and join us for the LIVE Tele Seminar.

Here's the registration link again: 

RSVP: Register Now - Click HereI hope to hear from you on the call.

Dedicated to your Job Search Success!!

Eleanor Anne Sweet, President
The Job Search

The Experts in Job Search Solutions. tm

Copyright 2010    All rights reserved.


Sweet Job Advice Blog: Job Advice on Salary Negotiating



"Negotiating The Salary You Deserve!"
Event: This Coming Monday
Monday, January 17, 2011, "Negotiating The Salary You Deserve"
9:00-10:00 am, CST
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See November 1, 2010,
Blog post:


Visit our Blog to read Zig Ziglar's Bamboo Story!

Re: Virtual Training this Monday (RSVP please)


 This coming Monday, January 17, 2011, at 9:00-10:00 AM CST, I will be hosting a Tele-Seminar Training session, and I am inviting you as my guest. 


If you would like to create MORE success in your job search and learn some simple tips and strategies for how to handle the salary question and negotiating the salary you deserve, then register below.

 During the 60 minute session we will look at ways to strengthen your job offer opportunities and defuse the salary as a potential issue. In addition we will look at creative ways to help keep your foot in the door on the salary issue.

The job search process is an on going work in progress, you need to change your strategy to work with the constant changes in the job market..

Let's talk about how to use these various ideas to boost and transform  your job search campaign for 2011.


I know you will have a great and prosperous 2011!






PS Thank you in advance for helping a friend and sharing  this invitation.

(DEADLINE for seminar registration is this Sunday night 11 PM CST)


Take 60 Seconds and Get Registered!

Date: Monday, January 17, 2011,   9:00 - 10:00 am, CST

RSVPClick Here NOW To Register For Monday's Seminar

COST: A gift from me to you. No-cost for the LIVE call
($29 value)

After you register, you'll find out how to get phone access and join us for the LIVE Tele-Class

Read On if You Can't Make It...

If you can't make the live call this coming Monday, go ahead and get registered anyway, and when you do, you'll get information on how to access the Tele Seminar recording.

That way you can listen to all the valuable content we discuss and learn new ideas to create greater success in your job search campaign and have a better 2011!

After you register, you'll find out how to get phone access and join us for the LIVE Tele Seminar.

Here's the registration link again: 

RSVP: Register Now - Click HereI hope to hear from you on the call.

Dedicated to your Job Search Success!!

Eleanor Anne Sweet, President
The Job Search

The Experts in Job Search Solutions. tm




Sweet Job Advice Blog: Job Search Process: Zig Ziglar and the Bamboo Tree

I want to share the following post regarding a wonderful story that Zig Ziglar has shared over the years with his audiences.

The story I feel applies to the job search Search process. At times it can feel like nothing is happening with all  your job search efforts and then suddenly you see the "tree" of your efforts start to grow.

Suddenly there is activity! Things are moving forward! Finally!!

It will happen, trust in yourself, the process and the universe.  Hang in there. Do not give up!

The key is passion, patience and persistence.

1. You must be passionate about succeeding with your job search. You must be passionate about your belief in yourself.

2. You must have patience with the process, the lack of "process" at times and patience with yourself.

3. You must not give up. When you feel like you have been knocked off your horse, get back up on your horse.


" I hope someday to have so much of what the world calls success, that people will ask me, "What's your secret?" and I will tell them, "I get up again when I fall down." - Paul Harvey

Enjoy reading the Zig Ziglar's Bamboo Story.


Eleanor Anne Sweet

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Chinese Bamboo Tree

 Note: This post was shared after hearing Zig Ziglar, the famous motivational speaker, who once told the story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree. I loved it so much that I would like to share this with all of our readers across the world.

Keep watering your Chinese Bamboo Tree …

The oriental world is blessed with a tree called the Chinese bamboo tree. This remarkable tree is of a different genre and the way it is grown is very unusual too.

Zig Ziglar, says that the Chinese bamboo tree when planted, watered, and nurtured for an entire growing season doesn't outwardly grow as much as an inch. Then, after the second growing season, a season in which the farmer takes extra care to water, fertilize and care for the bamboo tree, the tree still hasn't sprouted. So it goes as the sun rises and sets for four solid years. The farmer and his wife have nothing tangible to show for all of their labour trying to grow the tree.

Then, along comes year five.

In the fifth year that Chinese bamboo tree seed finally sprouts and the bamboo tree grows up to 90 feet in just one growing season! Or so it seems….

Now the question is "Did the little tree lie dormant for four years only to grow exponentially in the fifth? Or, was the little tree growing underground, developing a root system strong enough to support its potential for outward growth in the fifth year and beyond?" The answer is, of course, obvious. Had the tree not developed a strong unseen foundation it could not have sustained its life as it grew. The same principle is true for people. People, who patiently toil towards worthwhile dreams and goals, building strong character while overcoming adversity and challenge, grow the strong internal foundation to handle success, while get-rich- quicker and lottery winners usually are unable to sustain unearned sudden wealth.

Had the Chinese bamboo farmer dug up his little seed every year to see if it was growing, he would have stunted the tree's growth as surely as a caterpillar is doomed to a life on the ground if it is freed from its struggle inside a cocoon prematurely. The struggle in the cocoon is what gives the future butterfly the wing power to fly, just as tension against muscles as we exercise strengthen our muscles, while muscles left alone will soon atrophy. My problem with exercise is not getting instantly stronger after each work out! I pray for more patience every day and I pray to get it right now!

Unfortunately, we are trying to live our fast paced lifestyle in what is naturally a slow paced world. We live in a quick-fix society. We get frustrated if we have to wait more than 2 minutes for service or a stop light to change. We want instant solutions to every complex problem and every fractured relationship. In short – we want it all now! Maybe its time to reflect on an old, old poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that is as true today as it was when he wrote it over 100 years ago:

"The heights by great men reached and kept

Were not attained by sudden flight,

But they, while their companions slept,

Toiled ever upward through the night."

My dear friend's life often works in a similar way; is it not? You can work on your dreams for weeks, months and even years with no visible signs of progress and then, all of the sudden, things take off. Your business becomes profitable beyond your wildest dreams. Your relationship becomes more vibrant and passionate than you ever thought it could be. You become a charisma and your contribution to the society becomes something beyond your wildest dream. Suddenly you are able to touch the lives of millions of others in a very positive way.

….so keep watering your Chinese Bamboo Tree

We on behalf of Transformationplus wish you and your family a very Happy New Year 2010.

Here is the link to the web site I found this version on.



Happy Holidays,


Eleanor Anne Sweet


The Job Search


The Experts in Job Search Solutions. tm


Don't forget to "opt in" to our mailing list to join our weekly free audio job search seminars.


Sweet Job Advice Blog: Job Search Free Seminar - How to Succeed With Target Companies In Your Job Search





*How to Succeed With Your Target Companies in Your Job Search*


Re:: Virtual Training this Monday (RSVP please)

This coming Monday, December 20, 2010 at 9:00-10:00 AM CST, I will be hosting a Tele-Seminar Training session, and I am inviting you as my guest

If you would like to create MORE success in your job search and learn some practical advice and hints on how manage your time more efficiently and improve your results.

The job search process is an on going work in progress, you need to change your strategy to work with the constant changes in the job market..

Let's talk about how to use these various ideas to boost and transform  your job search campaign, using your target companies information.




PS Monday's seminar registration deadline is 11PM CST Sunday.


Take 60 Seconds and Get Registered!

Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 9:00 am - 10:00 am, CST

RSVPClick Here To Register For Monday's Seminar

COST: A gift from me to you. No-cost for the LIVE call
($29 value)

After you register, you'll find out how to get phone access and join us for the LIVE Tele-Class

Read On if You Can't Make It...

If you can't make the live call this coming Monday, go ahead and get registered anyway, and when you do, you'll get information on how to access the Tele Seminar recording.

That way you can listen to all the valuable content we discuss and learn new ideas to create greater success in your job search campaign and have a better 2011!

After you register, you'll find out how to get phone access and join us for the LIVE Tele Seminar.

Here's the registration link again: 

RSVP: Register Now - Click HereI hope to hear from you on the call.

Dedicated to your Job Search Success!!

Eleanor Anne Sweet, President

The Experts in Job Search Solutions. tm