Sweet Job Tips : Saving Time with Emails in Your Executive Job Search
This week's Job Search Tips:
Job Search Success Strategies
Saving Time With Your Emails
1.To start, create folders over in your navigation bar where you want to file emails worth saving. When creating each new folder, make sure you are always at the top of the navigation bar. That way, folders will be alphabetized and will not inadvertently become a subfolder of something non-related.
Like all correspondence, when contending with email, deal with it only once. If you can take care of it in two minutes, do so. The experts say that you should be able to tackle one-third of your email this way.
2. Now create four more folders in your navigation bar: *ACTION*, *WAITING FOR*, *READ/REVIEW*, and *PRINT*.
3. Specific to your job search, you can also label four more files: *JSACTIVE *, *JSWORKING ON*, *JSWAITING ON*, and *JS ANSWERS*.
Note that when you use the asterisk before these folders' names, they will be alphabetized at the top of the folder list.
4. I suggest you BCC (blind carbon copy) yourself on all emails related to your job search. Either that or remember to forward them to yourself from your Send folder. When they reach your inbox, file them in the appropriate folder. You can also create a special folder for companies with which you have conducted a lot of activity.
5. Check all of these aforementioned folders I have suggested periodically to see if any of the items can be deleted. To make this whole process easier, make sure you're a good typist. If you are a slow typist, go to a community college and take a course. You want to be able to type at least 50 words a minute. This ability will save you a lot of time.
I suggest you print this week's newsletter for this information above to make it easier to use.
The market continues to open up.
Take care,
Your Executive Job Search Expert TM
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Have a great week!
Kind regards,
Eleanor Anne Sweet
The Job Search Experts.com
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