We are launched and live!!
We finally went live today!
Thank you everyone for all your great help and support.
We would like to say a special thank you to Eli Litscher of Smart ROI Consulting, who helped us all with the design work of the web site. Eli can be reached at 773-697-9694 or elijah@smartroiconsulting.com He really knows his stuff and I highly recommend his organization if you are looking for web site design help and SEO help etc.
We would also like to thank Joe Allen our graphics artist. Joe can be reached at Joe Allen Creative Arts at 312-493-6990, or joe@allencreativearts.com
Thanks guys and everyone,
The gang at The Job Search Experts.com
We look forward to helping as many of you as we can. Hang in there, help is on the way!
The Experts in Job Search Solutions. tm
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